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Sunday, 8 March 2009

Goodbye, and Thank You

It's time for me to end this blog -- I think for good. The flimsiness of its anonymity has always felt like a liability, and the truth is I simply don't feel like posting any more.

Stuff is happening in my life at the moment. A lot of the groundwork for that stuff was laid with some help from this blog, which was a sounding board, a creative outlet, and a means to connect with some wise and wonderful people. Not for the first time, I'd like to thank C. L. Hanson for some unconventional common sense on sex and feminism, and the Exterminator for some encouragingly useful poetry feedback. I thank L. L. Barkat for her open friendliness and a window into a different viewpoint, and the chaplain for commenting sometimes when no-one else did. And Ebonmuse -- dare I say that you enriched my life gratuitously? I didn't need your blog, I just happened upon it and couldn't stop drinking it up (I think I'm still responsible for a couple of hits per day, even though I don't comment as much). Then I must thank Joffan and Eshu, who I remember engaging with in the comment section, and of course all the Nonbelieving Literati contributors -- and I must thank and apologise to everyone else who I have neglected to mention. Although I've stopped writing, I haven't stopped reading, so you may find me commenting now and again.

Sorry, this is sounding like an Oscar acceptance speech, but it's heartfelt. I have gained so much from all of you.

Now, I always meant to blog about this clip from Doctor Who, and by luck the BBC have put it on Youtube almost exactly as I wanted it. Regrettably, it cannot be embedded, so if you wish to watch it, please disregard the youtube title. It is in fact the creation of the Earth, not the Universe, and it's a wonderful exposition of humanist philosophy, too.

No, but that's what you do, the human race. Make sense out of chaos! Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calendars!

Yes. Yes, and blog posts. This blog has helped me to mark out a few things, but now its time is done. Goodbye, and thank you all.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go, Lynet. There are times when you've put things better than anyone else, so thank you for that! :)

If you start blogging again anywhere else in the future give me a nudge.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I always kept an eye on this. And there is the meme that I still mean to complete. And the tiny bit of math (which drew me) and the poetics, which kept me, though I wouldn't really want to admit it. (Enjambment... that's got to be misspelled)

But hey, it's just a blog. Good luck in where you go from here.


Anonymous said...

You can add me to those who'll be saddened to see you go, Lynet. Your posts always had something worthwhile to say, and your poems were like small jewels - infrequent, but all the more precious for it.

Still, I understand that sometimes the effort of maintaining a blog gets to be too much, and the creative spirit needs to rest. So be it. We all hope we'll see you around and commenting at least occasionally, in any case. Be well!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to year you're ending this blog! Although I haven't commented much, I've enjoyed your posts very much and I hope you'll start a new blog or something soon!

There need to more of us posting about mathematics and atheism (which means I need to get posting again).

C. L. Hanson said...

Sorry to see you go, but good luck on your next endeavors!! :D

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go, but one must get on with life. Thanks for the wisdom and eloquence you've added to my life.

L.L. Barkat said...

Whither wander you...

A small question, and yet not so small. A wondering I will take with me as you leave this place and turn to others. A knowing that you are not really gone but are simply moving in a different light.

Not to sound like a eulogy (and it's hearfelt too), but you have given much to me too-- little threads I will keep in my pocket, the subtle blues and smoky greys I delight to twine 'round my fingers. Thanks, Lynet (or Tracy, Alissa, Jenny, Elizabeth, Gemma... I like to fantasize about who you really are).

And you're always welcome in my little corner of the blogosphere, Poet-friend.

John Evo said...

Best wishes on wherever life takes you, Lynet. You know these blogs don't actually die unless the owner kills it. So maybe you'll change your mind in a few years!

Go Kiwis!

Joffan said...

Auf wiedersehen, Lynet. Thanks for closing down Elliptica so gracefully, since you felt its time had come, and especially thanks for creating and sharing in the first place.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Hope you're well, Lynet.